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Summer Camp (Grades K-6)

Campers participate in exciting daily games and activities that are both appropriate for their age level and focused on the weekly theme. Each Unit participates in hands-on, purpose-driven activities, swim time with lessons, interactive games, specialty stations and more. Check out some of our weekly stations:

  • Arts and Crafts
    • Campers get creative through guided arts and crafts projects that express the theme/message of the day or week. This specialty station brings a world full of creativity, imagination, art appreciation, and more.
  • Mind and Body
    • Campers get active, play games, and learn techniques to help reduce stress and live a healthy active lifestyle! This station focuses on movement/athletics, cooperative and competitive spirit, interest in adventure, and health awareness (physical, mental, and nutritional).
  • All Things STEM
    • Campers participate in hands on, minds on STEM activities, allowing them to discover and create! This develops enthusiasm and skills in science, technology, engineering, and math.
  • Camp Only: $150 per week
  • Camp + AM and PM Care: $230 per week
  • Camp + AM Care: $185 per week
  • Camp + PM Care: $205 per week

with you in her corner,she will succeed

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