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Medical Forms

To complete your camper’s registration, medical form(s) must be submitted by June 1, 2024. For registrations following this date, form(s) must be submitted at time of registration. Campers may NOT attend camp with incomplete medical information.

All Campers

All campers must submit a Camp Physical Form or CT Health Assessment Record that is up-to-date (within the last 3 years, or more recent if any major health changes within that time).

Campers Requiring Medication

Campers who will/may require medication administered during camp hours for an existing health condition (ex: asthmatic inhaler, EpiPen, diabetic insulin, etc.) will need to submit a completed Medication Authorization Form.

The Medication Authorization form MUST be submitted with BOTH of the following:

  • An action plan from the camper's physician
  • The respective, up-to-date (unexpired) prescription medication

Following submission of a Medication Authorization (with action plan and medication) Girls Inc. will provide an Individual Care Plan for parent/guardian review and signature.

Campers may NOT carry unauthorized medication or ointments on their person, for the safety of all campers.

Click here to view the camp policy for administration of medicine.

with you in her corner,she will succeed

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