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Bold Adventures Camp (Grades 7-8)

Bold Adventures camp is a NEW Girls Inc. camp that provides the opportunity for 7th and 8th grade campers to travel off-site between the hours of 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM, four days a week, for exposure to a variety of hands-on, minds-on experiences with integrated learning components outside of the Girls Inc. center. Encounters with STEM, physical activity, and social/emotional skill practice will be woven throughout adventurous field trips to places like the beach, an amusement park, a hike, a college campus, and more. Campers will get to discover learning through exciting challenges and in fun places they wouldn’t expect!

One day each week, campers will remain on-site where they will have time for swim instruction/free swim and a chance to debrief on that week’s off-site experiences. Transportation is provided for all off-site visits, and the cost for each experience is included in the weekly program fee.

  • Camp Only: $200 per week
  • Camp + AM and PM Care: $280 per week
  • Camp + AM Care: $235 per week
  • Camp + PM Care: $255 per week

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