SSB Awards Nomination
Honoring impeccable role models positively impacting the lives of Connecticut’s girls.

In 2025, Girls Inc. of Central Connecticut (GICCT) will present the prestigious Strong, Smart, and Bold Award to an accomplished woman who exemplifies confidence, strength, perseverance, and impact in the communities we serve at our Annual Awards Celebration on May 7, 2025. GICCT is committed to achieving our mission and changing the lives of more girls. To celebrate additional individuals who embody our values, we expanded our awards program in 2024 to include new categories to recognize those who emulate our mission of inspiring girls to be Strong, Smart, and Bold.
Honorees are impeccable role models for girls who have demonstrated their leadership through service, and who are positively impacting the lives and futures of Connecticut’s girls. They are community members who have brought our community closer to manifesting its potential to help ALL girls reach their potential. Their leadership mirrors what we wish for every girl to be: Strong. Smart. Bold.
Four award winners will be selected from nominations submitted by individuals, businesses, and organizations. We need your help in identifying nominees. Within your organization there are undoubtedly individuals who are outstanding professional and community leaders who have had a positive impact on girls and women. Or you may know of someone through your personal or professional contacts. We urge you to use this nomination form to let us know who they are. Awards, eligibility, and criteria for honorees listed on nomination form.
Please submit one form per nominee.
Award recipients will be honored, and all nominees recognized, at our 24th Annual Strong, Smart, and Bold Awards Celebration on May 7, 2025.
All nominations must be received by February 12, 2025
Nominate a Role Model